What Next?

As I start the R10 series, I’m about 75% complete with the R series of regulatory signs.

I have a question for site users: once the Rs are done, what section should I start on next? The original plan was to jump into W series warning signs, but if there’s greater interest, I could start in on the M series of route marker signs.

Let me know what you all would prefer in the comments. I’ll take it into consideration. Also welcoming feedback on the the revamp of the site so far – revised graphics, greater number of sign examples, user-editable PDFs, adding in signs from IAs, etc.

R4s Are Done

It’s too hot to clean the garage, so I completed the R4 series of signs instead. A lot fewer than the R3s, and only one PDF that had to be set up as user-editable (R4-12). But just for fun I set up the PDF for the R4-10 so users can change the type of runaway item. 🙂

We’re making progress…


The R3 series of signs (all 90 or so of them) are complete and posted on the Manual of Traffic Signs website at http://www.trafficsign.us/r3.html .

Quite a few of the PDF files (mainly the HOV signs) are user-editable. 🙂

Apologies for taking nearly a year to get them done, but it was quite an undertaking to get them just right, and to add all those new signs tacked on in the 2009 MUTCD.

I’m hoping that subsequent sections don’t take as long. I’ll be adding them as I get the time to draw up the signs and generate the files.

Enjoy, and let the celebrations commence (heh).

Mid-February Update

I’m setting a goal of finishing about 7 signs per day. Note that this entails:

  • drawing (or redrawing) the sign in a graphics program
  • dropping the signs into the page templates
  • adding the sign code and description, and
  • generating the PDF and GIF files – sometimes with an animated GIF.

Plus, there are signs with changeable legends that need an additional step to allow for user-changeable legends in the PDF files.

For example, today I continued work on the R3 series signs, and discovered I’d missed the new roundabout-specific versions of the R3-8 intersection lane control signs. Not the easiest signs to draw, either – here’s an example:

Still working my way through. Once the R3s are done, I’ll update the MUTCD and other links and post the page, and get on to the R4s.

What Do You Want in the new MOTS?

The background work on the R3 series signs (new graphics, coding, etc.) is coming along slowly, but I thought I’d ask some questions in the meantime:

  1. What current features of the Manual do you use or value the most?
  2. What new features would you like to see added?*
  3. What current feature do you use or like the least?
  4. Looking at the new pages (About, Object Markers, Regulatory, R1, R2), do you like or dislike the new layout, and do you have any suggestions?*
  5. Anything else in the way of suggestions or comments?

Feel free to leave your responses in the comments. Thanks in advance for the feedback.

*can’t promise I can implement all requests, but at least I’ll be aware of them…
