Category Archives: Tech Support / Troubleshooting
What Do You Want in the new MOTS?
The background work on the R3 series signs (new graphics, coding, etc.) is coming along slowly, but I thought I’d ask some questions in the meantime:
- What current features of the Manual do you use or value the most?
- What new features would you like to see added?*
- What current feature do you use or like the least?
- Looking at the new pages (About, Object Markers, Regulatory, R1, R2), do you like or dislike the new layout, and do you have any suggestions?*
- Anything else in the way of suggestions or comments?
Feel free to leave your responses in the comments. Thanks in advance for the feedback.
*can’t promise I can implement all requests, but at least I’ll be aware of them…
Problems With the New PDF Files?
The MOTS website is adding all-new PDF renderings of each sign, with greatly improved color fidelity and a better layout. Another new feature is user-editable legends in PDFs of signs which might have a varying legend (cool, huh?) 🙂  For example, all the speed signs in the R2 series of signs have PDFs where the user can change the speed numerals to whatever they want (in single and double digits, though).
However, many browsers use a PDF viewer that doesn’t play well with PDF forms that use non-standard fonts (such as the signs on my site). If the PDFs for the signs are displaying in an unexpected or wacky manner, or the edited text is jumping to odd locations, the best solution is to download the PDF file to your computer or device and then open it in Adobe Reader. This should solve the unexpected display issues, and allow users to edit the signs successfully.
Any bugs or problems with this? E-mail me.
Enjoy the new feature, and let me know if you like it!